Thursday, January 11, 2007

College Football

Not to start a blog war, but because I thought it was a good topic, I'm hijacking AK's football post. Yes the pros have better more experienced players (and also harder hits), but I think there's something lacking as far as maintaining fan affection. The same is true for basketball. I've thought of two reasons why I enjoy watching college ball more than pro.

1. Players are devoted to the team - they're not looking to trade teams and make more money. For four years, they play for the same team looking to make themselves the best they can. As a fan, your team is your team and watch the same players grow individually and together without wondering who's gonna come back next year.
2. You root for a college team (at least your favorite) because of an intimate connection to the team that transcends the randomness of where you were born. You choose which college teams to root for, whereas God chooses the pro teams you're born into.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Your second point is valid, but in regards to the first point: what about the slew of talented juniors who skip their senior season to enter the NFL draft? They throw their loyalty out the window...
