Friday, December 08, 2006

Morning Ritual

If any of you remember my first blog, you might remember my infatuation with apple spice hostess cup cakes. The cup cakes were part of my morning ritual - a schedule to help make the day get going.

I haven't seen an apple spice cup cake for a few years now. But I do still have a morning ritual. It begins when I'm still in bed. I set my alarm for 6:53 (with the clock set 7 minutes fast). Therefore, I can hit snooze 3 times and still be out of bed by 7:14. In between getting out of bed and leaving the house at 7:45 is free time to get dressed/eat/pack lunch in the order that matches my mood.

I take 95 to work and park in the farthest part of the lot and go up the side stairs. I set my things down, put on my badge then start my computer. After I enter the password, I go to the kitchen to make tea or hot chocolate.

The real ritual begins now. I sit at my computer and open my work email. Then I read CNN headlines, followed by Yahoo mail.

If no work is immediately expected of me, I embark on the following schedule: (every other Monday) (for football, songs, and fun) (for recipes and style) (on Tuesdays for picks) (but not so much since the season is over) (myself) (to sympathize with the girls)

Welcome to the first 90 minutes of my day.

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