Thursday, July 19, 2007

I know you were wondering . . .

about Lindsey's new anklet. I was interested too. So I read the article linked on Drudge a few days ago and found it both informative and funny. Too bad for you they removed the link and I can't that darn article no matter how much I google "Lindsey alcohol bologna." Anyways - here's the maker's website.

Any here's why I had to google "bologna." Apparently the technology monitors sweat and it can detect if anything is placed between the monitor and the ankle. Apparently people try all sorts of things, paper, wash cloths, and yes, bologna. Though dumb to try to trick the monitor and thus violate your probation, the perpetrator was smart enough to try to mimic skin! Ha!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I know you were wondering too . . .

How does an anklet tell if someone's been drinking? Read about Lindsey's newest fashion statement here and here.
