Thursday, May 03, 2007

My crush Blake

I'm crushing on Blake from American Idol, however, I'm NOT digging the new do . . .

Check out his hair blog here. The stylist LOVES freezer hairspray.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

RIP George

This "plucky" little dog took on two pit bills - something about rooting for the underdog makes me very sentimental about this story. I cry at all sad dog stories.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I love me a man in uniform!

The Bachelor . . . I usually don't watch this kind of show (unless the bachelor is a construction worker pretending to be a millionaire - because that's flippin' funny) but this year the yummy dish is my style - a man in uniform. Hence I watch the funny/pathetic vyings for his marital intentions.

I also like to read blogs about the shows I'm watching. Grey Matter for Grey's, Hot 99.5 wrap up for AI, BPR for Project Runway, etc. A coworker emailed me the best blog for The Bachelor - so sarcastic, so darn funny (clicky then look for the bachelor link). Tell me you didn't crack up at BBBD and Dead Boyfriend Girl.
